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Friday, July 24, 2009

Old Needles Battery, Isle of Wight

This battery is located on the angular point of cliffs above the Needles. It is protected by a dry ditch at the rear and the entrance is via a bridge. The battery was constructed in the 1860s and originally armed with six 7-inch Rifled Breach Loading guns and later had 9 and 10-inch Rifled Muzzle Loading guns installed. The barracks have unfortunately been demolished, but the gun positions, magazines and a searchlight position still remain.

The battery is managed by the National Trust and is open to the public.

Plan, courtesy of the Palmerston Forts Society

Entrance, from the drawbridge

View of the fort from the Tereplein

One of the mounted guns

Looking back to the entrance

Spiral staircase leading down to the 1899 searchlight position

Tunnel leading to the searchlight

Looking back to staircase


View of the Needles from the searchlight

Looking back to the tunnel

Main cartridge Store in the battery

The ditch wall, which is slowly collapsing into the sea


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