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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dymchurch Redoubt

This redoubt was built in the early 19th Century and forms part of the ring of Martello Towers along the South East coast. An almost identical fort exists at Eastbourne which has been restored and is open to the public. The opposite however, can be said about Dymchurch, which is on an MOD rifle range and is in original condition. Both forts were built as barracks for the Martello system and take the form of a circular ring of casemated rooms, with a parade ground in the middle, surrounded by a dry ditch. The interior of the fort has remained free from graffiti and contains a number of original features. WW2 additions are visible on upper levels, with gun emplacements and observation posts.

The Redoubt is located on Hythe Ranges, many thanks to the MOD for allowing access, and John Vaughan for arranged the visit.

Plan of the Redoubt

Entrance to the Redoubt

Looking down from the upper level to the casemates below

Casemates on the lover level
WW2 gun positions
Steps down to the lower level
Passage inside the fort on the lower level

Each of the casemated rooms has the same basic design

Back of one of the rooms
Metal window frames in another casemate
Further along the passage

The main magazine, the lighting passage runs behind the far wall

Windows in another room

Futher along the passage

Original slate sinks remain in this washroom

Another view along the inner passage

Exterior of one of the casemates

View across the parade ground

Looking through the sally port back into the fort

Inside the dry ditch


Anonymous said...

Stunning pics.I have driven past this site for many many years,i had an idea of what it was like but not exact.Have always wanted to go in but its used for army training purposes.So thanks yopu very much for sharing.

Colin G said...

Glad you enjoyed the pics, went past the place many times myself before finally getting in. Eastbourne Redoubt might be worth a look, if you're interested, as it's almost the same.

Anonymous said...

When we at school in the 1970's we managed to climb into teh fort on a couple of occasions. Came out through the main gate I think, left it unlocked no one realised. this was before the army started using it. I must have been as it was left...great fun

kcc said...

Discovered this site by accident. Excellent historic resource. Driven past this particular fort for the past 45 years on the way to the beach. Fantastic pictures and state of preservation....thanks remaining in MOD ownership I guess.

Anonymous said...

Hi i just wanted to point out that a paranomal group are using your photos as their own.

longbow said...

I helped build a film set there for the BBC in the late 60's From memory it was a play "A long days journey out of night" Happy days

Anonymous said...

My mum was born at the Grand Redoubt in Hythe in 1938. She lived there with her parents and brothers and sisters.

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Winnipeg Tree Service said...

I love how you delve so deeply into this history. The architecture is brutal but a must-need for those trying to survive the war. I'll definitely be coming back to read more. Much love and respect from Winnipeg, MB. We have some cool forts here, too!

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Thanks for sharing this great content here.

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