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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dumpy Level Tunnels, Dover Castle

'Dumpy' is the name given to a set of tunnels located beneath Dover Castle.  It was constructed in 1942, as an addition to the existing tunnels, to provide space for a combined army, navy and airforce headquarters. During the Cold War period it was converted into a Regional Seat of Government. In the event of a nuclear attack it would have housed the people necessary for the continued governing of the country when radiation levels were considered safe. A BBC studio was even included within Dumpy to allow broadcasts post attack. Fortunately, a nuclear attack never happened and the bunker did not need to be used. Dumpy was stripped of most of its contents after the Cold War stand down and remains a largely empty set of corridors.  It is not generally open to the public but in recent years tours have begun to happen, thanks to English Heritage.


Ralph Carpenter said...

These tunnels are amazing. I hope the view will be mesmerizing over there. I wish i would have been there to get a chance to see with my own eyes.

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I was in the tunnels including dumpy as I worked for post office telephones and based in qdover repeater station. I remember the weekend home office exercises when dumpy was occupied by RAF rn and army plus civil defence. I remember when the decision was madethat single men would stay underground and married staf would leave to be with their family in the of nuclear war does happen
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A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a prenup, is a legal contract that couples sign before getting married. It outlines how their assets and finances will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation. Prenups have gained popularity in recent years as more people choose to protect their financial interests before entering into marriage. In this article, we will explore the benefits of prenups and why they are useful.

Protecting assets: One of the main advantages of a prenup is that it helps to protect assets. If one spouse has significant assets or a high income, a prenup can ensure that these assets are protected in the event of a divorce. It can also prevent the other spouse from claiming a share of these assets in the future.

Avoiding lengthy court battles: Divorce proceedings can be long and expensive, especially if the couple has significant assets. By having a prenup in place, the couple can avoid lengthy court battles and settle the terms of their divorce quickly and easily.

Clarifying financial responsibilities: A prenup can clarify each spouse's financial responsibilities in the marriage. It can outline how assets and debts will be divided, and who will be responsible for paying bills and other expenses. This can help to prevent financial disagreements and misunderstandings in the future.

Protecting family inheritance: A prenup can protect family inheritance by ensuring that these assets are not shared in the event of a divorce. This is especially important if one spouse has significant assets or a large family inheritance.

Protecting a business: If one spouse owns a business, a prenup can help to protect that business in the event of a divorce. It can outline how the business will be divided or whether the non-business owning spouse will receive a share of the business.

Reducing stress and anxiety: By having a prenup in place, couples can reduce the stress and anxiety that often comes with the uncertainty of a divorce. They can enter into marriage knowing that their financial interests are protected and that they have a plan in place in case of a divorce.

Protecting future assets: A prenup can also protect future assets that may be acquired during the marriage. This can include investments, property, or other assets that may be acquired in the future.

In conclusion, prenups are useful for protecting assets, avoiding lengthy court battles, clarifying financial responsibilities, protecting family inheritance, protecting a business, reducing stress and anxiety, and protecting future assets. They provide couples with peace of mind and security, allowing them to focus on building a strong and happy marriage. It is important to consult with a prenup lawyer to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and provides the necessary protection for both parties

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anonymous said...

Following the Cold War standoff, Dumpy was entirely asphalt christchurch devoid of its belongings and is now just a series of deserted hallways.